Now he's returned home for Just Cause 3, only to find it under the control of an ever-so-evil dictator, giving him the perfect excuse to blow yet more stuff up, but this time with new gadgets, new guns, new vehicles, and an amazing wing suit that can be combined with your grapple and parachute for unparalleled mobility. It's been five long years since Rico Rodriguez last blew stuff up in Just Cause 2. By Andrew Burnes on Mon, Featured Stories, Processor=Intel Core i7 Card:Nvidia Geforce GTX 760m(2gb memory)īefore I doing the following steps I get 10-25fps,after I get28-50fps.Ģ)Do noy use fullscreen!(right click at just cause 3 ,propeties,start up options,enter \borderless \windowed)Ĥ)Resolution:If your graphic card is pretty good,set 1920×1080,but for me 1600×900which same with xb1 resolution works bestĥ)anti aliasing:this is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!(turn it off!and set it at nvidia control panel)ħ)water detail set low or medium(boots very much fps!!!)Ĩ)shadow quality set low!!!(boots very much fps)ĩ)SSAO off(boots very much fps but make graphic quality getting low)ġ2)global ilumination off(same reason with SSAO)ġ3)Screen Space Reflection off(big fps killer)ġ5)When you running the game, press ctrl+alt+delete to open task manager,find just cause 3.